Why Is Yoda Crazy In Empire Strikes Back?

The first time we meet him, Yoda acts immature and confused. Why is Yoda crazy in Empire Strikes Back?

Yoda acts crazy in Empire Strikes Back to test Luke’s patience. The Master says that patience is required of a Jedi.

Acting “crazy” was simply a test to see if Luke would become angered and leave. Putting up with Yoda’s zaniness and eating dinner with him was a trial of character.

Yoda intentionally acts crazy in Empire Strikes Back

In Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, Luke is cold and delirious after becoming lost on Hoth. He chooses not to stay in a Wampa cave after a dangerous fight with the creature, and now he’s quickly succumbing to the cold and collapses in the snow.

Why Didn’t Luke Stay in The Wampa Cave?

While on the ground, Luke sees a force ghost of Obi-Wan. He tells Luke to go to the Dagobah System and learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who partially instructed Obi-Wan.

Just in time, Han and his Tauntaun find Luke. Han is able to survive on Hoth by building a shelter, while placing the freezing Luke inside of a cut-open Tauntaun.

Later in the film, Luke does indeed reach the Dagobah System. After an uncomfortable X-Wing landing and run-in with a swamp creature, Luke sets up a small base-camp on a flat and dry surface area.

How Did Han Solo Survive Hoth?

Suddenly, Yoda appears and startles Luke. Acting bumbling and odd, the former Jedi Master does not appear to be the great warrior that Luke seeks.

Yoda, very playfully, hobbles around and eats Luke’s dinner. He climbs on to a box and begins poking through Luke’s technological objects. The Master grabs a flashlight and waves it around, saying he won’t help Luke if he has to give it back.

Once the two enter Yoda’s home, Luke begins eating. He repeatedly asks questions about the Jedi Master, as he is unaware of Yoda’s true identity. Yoda says that patience is required.

Luke doesn’t understand

Luke, in anger, says he’s wasting his time. Yoda then speaks to a hidden Force Ghost of Obi-Wan, who tells the Master that Luke will learn patience.

Yoda tells Luke that a Jedi must have the most serious commitment and mind. He says he’s watched Luke for a long time, and all his life he’s looked away to the future and to the horizon. Luke never put his mind on where he was and what he was doing.

So that’s the answer. Yoda acts crazy in Empire Strikes Back because he’s testing Luke’s patience, a key trait of any Jedi.