Why Does Mr. House Like Snow Globes?

You can rake in thousands of caps by selling snow globes to Mr. House. But why does Mr. House like snow globes?

Mr. House likes snow globes because they’re “pleasing.” He enjoys a little diorama being set inside of a glass dome.

He does not offer any more of a complex explanation than that.

Finding the globes

Throughout the Mojave Wasteland, the player may stumble upon Limited Edition Mojave Landmark snow globes. These collectible items have unique visuals that pop out of their environment and can be collected.

Once a snow globe is collected, a message pop-up occurs. The player is told that these rare, Pre-War artifacts are widely considered to be useless baubles, but rumor has it that some collectors will pay dearly for them.

That collector is, indeed, Mr. House.

Mr. House explains why he likes snow globes

Once the player reaches the Lucky 38, they can enter the Penthouse. There, they’ll be greeted by Jane, a Securitron and one of Mr. House’s “girls.”

If the player asks about Mr. House’s snowglobe collection, Jane will answer. She says that not many people know this, but Mr. House is one of the world’s biggest collectors of antique snow globes.

She says if you find any while out in the Wasteland, you can bring them to her. The player will be paid a reward and the snow globe will be added to the collection.

Jane explains that one of Mr. House’s favorite snowglobes went missing when the collection was moved. She says if you have a look around the Lucky 38, you may find it. The snowglobe is located in the cocktail lounge, hidden behind a cash register.

Later, the player can ask Mr. House what the deal is with the snow globe collection.

“What of it,” Mr. House says. “I enjoy them. There’s something about a little diorama set inside a glass dome that I… find pleasing.”

House goes on to tell the Courier to keep an eye out. If the player runs across any out in the wastes, House says, they should turn them in to Jane. She will compensate the player. It may be that snow globes help visualize House’s idealistic future plans for New Vegas.

So that’s the answer. Mr. House likes snow globes because they’re “pleasing.”