What Are Mr. House’s Plans For New Vegas?

If the Courier sides with Mr. House, they’re promised a front row seat to huge waves of advancement and revolution. But what are Mr. House’s plans for New Vegas?

Mr. House’s plans for New Vegas involve a bustling economy fueled by the NCR, re-growth of technology development sectors, and space travel. House wants to have ships searching for other planets within 100 years.

He will rule as an “autocrat” who does not listen to a committee or Board of Directors.

The Courier asks Mr. House his plans for New Vegas

Should the player align themselves with Mr. House and work for him, they’ll be able to ask personal questions.

The Courier can ask Mr. House what happens next. His upgraded robot army is sure to be able to maintain control of New Vegas.

Why Did Mr. House Fill Vault 21?

Mr. House says that New Vegas is more than a city – it’s the remedy to mankind’s derailment. He says the city’s economy is akin to a blast furnace. It will forge the steel of a new rail line that runs straight to a new horizon.

House considers the New California Republic (NCR) to be a society of people that are desperate to receive comfort, ease, and luxury. They are a society of customers.

Once the money starts to come in over 20 years, Mr. House says, the high technology development sectors will be reignited. In 50 years, he says, he’ll have people in orbit.

Beyond that, Mr. House says that over 100 years he’ll have colony ships heading for the stars. The ships will be in search of planets “… unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation.”

How House classifies his leadership

The Courier can ask if in the meantime, House would rule New Vegas as a kind of “dictator.”

House rebukes this, preferring the term “autocrat.” He explains he’ll rule as a Chief Executive. House would not answer to a board of Directors or any other entity. Having to answer to others would “impede progress,” and House encourages the Courier to look out the windows if they want to see the fate of democracies.

He goes on to explain that his “judgment” is what will prevent him from abusing power. House says he has no interest in abusing others, just as he claims to have no interest in legislating or otherwise dictating what people do in their private time.

House also claims that he has no interest in being revered as some kind of “machine-God messiah.” He claims to be impervious to such corrupting ambitions. 

Autocracy and firm control in the hands of a technological and economical visionary is what New Vegas will have, House boasts.

So that’s the answer. Mr. House’s plans for New Vegas are to reignite the economy, increase the technology sectors, and promote the study and implementation of space travel.