Why Didn’t Naruto Respond to Hinata’s Confession?

After many years, Hinata finally confesses her love to Naruto while on the battlefield. Why didn’t Naruto respond to Hinata’s confession?

Naruto didn’t respond to Hinata’s confession because he didn’t have time. She sprung into attack immediately after confessing, and the shocked Naruto couldn’t gather his thought’s quickly enough.

There’s a brief moment of shock when Naruto could have spoken. Yet, he did not have nearly enough time to gather his thoughts on her confession before Hinata was struck down by Pain.

Naruto doesn’t have time to respond to Hinata’s confession

Chapter #437 begins with Naruto pinned to the ground by Pain. The Akatsuki member previously destroys the entire Leaf Village in one gigantic push, leveling it to the ground.

Naruto, previously training to learn Sage Mode, joins the fight against Pain after the village is already destroyed.

Hinata, who sits with the sensory team, can sense Naruto’s struggle. She dives into the crater created by Pain’s blast, hoping to score a quick hit. Pain easily dodges out of the way.

“I won’t let you hurt Naruto,” Hinata says. Knowing that Hinata can’t possibly win, Naruto urges her to run away. She says she knows, but it’s a matter of “being selfish” when it comes to helping him.

Hinata says she’s here because she wants to be. Always a crybaby who gives up before even starting, Hinata admits, the wrong path was taken many times. Naruto helps Hinata find the way and correct that wrong path.

“I always chased after you,” Hinata says. “Wanting to catch up, wanting to walk with you forever.”

She says she always wants to be at Naruto’s side. His smiling face saved and changed her. That’s why Hinata is not afraid to sacrifice her life in order to defend Naruto, she says.

Hinata then admits she loves Naruto before springing into an attack on Pain. Despite her Byakugan, Pain is easily able to dodge her moves and Almighty Push her away. He takes one of his rods and pierces it through Hinata.

Pain says this moment is similar to when Leaf Shinobi took his family from him, in front of his own eyes.

Why Did Sasuke Smile When Naruto Beat Pain?

Fit with rage after witnessing Hinata’s sacrifice, Naruto turns into the Nine Tails Fox. Naruto does eventually defeat pain. Once word gets out, Sasuke smiles when he hears Naruto beat pain.

So that’s the answer. Naruto did not respond to Hinata’s confession because he didn’t have time. She unsuccessfully attacks Pain right after, and Naruto’s rage transforms him into the Nine Tails Fox.