Why Did Obi-Wan Jump Out The Window?

It kicks off a high-intensity chase scene, but why did Obi-Wan jump out the window?

Obi-Wan had to jump out the window to chase an assassination droid. The droid could potentially lead to information about who’s trying to assassinate Senator Padme Amidala.

Anakin and Obi-Wan act as security for the senator leading up to the window jump. The two sense a disturbance in Amidala’s chambers, saving her at the last moment and then pursuing the droid.

Obi-Wan is forced to jump out Padme’s window

In Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, several thousand solar systems declare their intentions to leave the Republic. This separatist movement, led by Count Dooku, strains the limited number of Jedi Knights’ ability to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.

Senator Padme Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is returning to the Galactic Senate to vote on the issue of creating an Army of The Republic to assist the overwhelmed Jedi.

Following an unsuccessful assassination attempt, Amidala meets with the Jedi Council. The Council casts doubt on Amidala’s assertion that Count Dooku is behind the attack. 

Nevertheless, Chancellor Palpatine assigns Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker to act as Amidala’s security. It’s then revealed that an assassin named Zam, acting under the orders of Jango Fett, attempted to assassinate Amidala. He hands Zam poisonous creatures for her next attempt.

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Zam places the creatures inside of a flyable droid. The droid cuts a small hole into the window of Amidala’s chamber, allowing the creatures to slink out into the room. Before the creatures reach Amidala’s bed, Obi-Wan and Anakin sense the danger.

The two Jedi burst into the room. Anakin successfully cuts the creatures before they reach Amidala, and Obi-Wan takes notice of the droid still hovering outside the window. 

Obi-Wan then jumps outside the window and grabs on to the droid. The droid may potentially lead to information surrounding Amidala’s assassination attempts. Anakin races down to the bottom of the building and hops in a speeder, looking to catch up with Obi-Wan and the droid.

The Jedi Master has always been used to thinking on his feet. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are able to survive gas in the previous film. In the Original Trilogy, it’s Obi-Wan’s quick thinking that lets him use his lightsaber in the cantina.

So that’s the answer. Obi-Wan chooses to jump out the window because he’s chasing an assassination droid. The droid can lead to more information surrounding those who are attempting to assassinate Senator Padme Amidala.