Does Sasuke Attend Naruto’s Wedding?

The final episode of Naruto Shippuden is centered around Naruto and Hinata’s wedding. All of his childhood friends are there, but there’s one in particular who is missing. Does Sasuke attend Naruto’s wedding?

No, Sasuke does not attend Naruto’s wedding. He had a bird fly over a handwritten “Congratulations” letter to Sakura so that she could give it to Naruto. However, he did not physically attend the wedding.

Sasuke chose to leave the village despite being pardoned for his crimes. He looked to walk the world and redeem himself, both in the village’s eyes and his own.

Why Was Sasuke Pardoned? Specific Plot Answer

Sasuke sends a note to Naruto’s wedding

In the final and 500th episode, Naruto and Hinata have their wedding. The episode begins with multiple different people getting their arrangements in order for the ceremony.

As different ninja enter the ceremony, it becomes obvious who has become a couple. Shikamaru and Temari are dating, and Sai and Ino are holding hands. Sakura looks over fondly as she stands without Sasuke by her side.

Suddenly, a bird flies down and lands on Sakura’s arm. She removes a rolled-up note attached to the bird’s leg, and lets it fly back away. 

After unraveling the note, Sakura reads the inside. It simply says “Congratulations” in the center of the page. Sakura blushes, then looks up at the sky and says “Sasuke.”

With that note, Sakura realizes that Sasuke does care about Naruto’s wedding. He would have liked to have gone, but instead sent a celebratory note to the wedding for Sakura to presumably give to Naruto.

Why Didn’t Sasuke Get a New Arm?

The scene cuts to Sasuke standing on a dirt trail. He’s walking away from the village. Despite being pardoned for his crimes, Sasuke still chose to distance himself from his friends and the Leaf out of shame. He looks to travel the world in an attempt to redeem himself, even opting to not restore his arm due to it being a good reminder of his past sins.

So that’s the answer. Sasuke does not attend Naruto’s wedding. He had a bird fly over a handwritten “Congratulations” note, but he did not physically attend the ceremony.