Can You Join Caesar’s Legion As A Female?

At a point in Fallout: New Vegas’ plot, you’ll be invited to join the Legion. However, the Legion is a sexist society and is only tolerant of male soldiers. Can you join Caesar’s Legion as a female?

Yes, you can join Caesar’s Legion as a female. You will not be allowed to participate in The Fort’s combat arena, but a female Courier can still work for Caesar and complete his tasks.

A female Courier will be cat-called and verbally harassed by Legionnaires while visiting the camp. Should the player put up with this treatment and disrespect, they can participate in the Legion questline all the same.

Joining Caesar’s Legion as a female

Once the player is invited by Cesear to join him at the Fort for a discussion, they can make their way. While cutting through Cottonwood Cove, the female Courier can take a raft up the river and into the Fort.

As a female Courier, you will be slightly limited in what you’re able to do within the Fort. The Legion are an internally sexist society, viewing women as a means-to-an-end to create more soldiers.

What you can’t do at The Fort:

As a woman, you are unable to compete in the Legion’s Arena. If you ask Otho, the head of The Arena, he’ll deny you.

Otho says that women are “beneath notice,” as Caesar has taught them. The female Courier is only allowed to speak with Otho because she is Caesar’s honorary guest.

The Arena head goes on to say that women cannot fight in the Legion. Unlike the “profligates of the NCR,” Otho says, only men are allowed to fight.

For more information about how the Legion treats women, the player can speak with Siri, a slave. Siri informs the player that women are treated as property by the Legion. If you’re “too young or too old, the men leave you alone, usually,” Siri says.

Siri goes on to warn the female Courier that Legionaries have made inappropriate comments about the Courier behind her back.

So that’s the answer. You can join Caesar’s Legion as a female, but you can’t participate in The Fort’s combat arena.