Why Does All Might Have Two Forms?

In My Hero Academia, All Might transitions back and forth from being skinny and gaunt to being muscular. Many fans have been left wondering why All Might has these two forms, and what purpose they serve.

All Might has two forms because he was injured in a fight prior to the series. He can only do his muscular-form for a short time before becoming skinny again.

Eventually, All Might ends up losing all ability to become muscular at all.

Why exactly All Might has two forms

In chapter 1 of “My Hero Academia,” All Might explains that he was injured in a fight with a powerful villain. Due to the injury, he can only become muscular for a few hours a day. Once he reverts back to being skinny, he loses all of his strength and power.

How Did Deku And All Might Meet?

All Might’s two forms are actually a manifestation of his injuries, and his need to conserve his remaining strength. He can only use his full power in his muscular form for a limited time, and must conserve his energy in his skinny form.

This injury adds an interesting dimension to All Might’s character. Despite his strong-Quirk, All Might never was invincible. He has a weakness that he must manage, and must rely on others to help him when he is in his weaker form.

In addition to providing a compelling aspect of All Might’s character, his two forms also serve as a plot device. They add tension to battles, as the audience is aware that All Might cannot maintain his full power for long. This creates a sense of urgency, as the characters must work quickly to defeat their opponents before All Might reverts back to his weaker form.

Overall, All Might’s two forms are a unique and interesting aspect of his character. They add depth to his personality, and provide an additional layer of tension to the series’ battles. Understanding the reason behind his two forms adds a new level of appreciation for his character and the series as a whole.

So that’s the answer. All Might has two forms because he was injured in a fight prior to the series. He can only do his muscular-form for a short time before becoming skinny again.