Why Did Han Solo Come Back In A New Hope?

The bounty hunter makes it very clear from the start that he’s only interested in helping Leia for the reward. So why did Han Solo come back in A New Hope?

Han Solo decides to come back in A New Hope so Luke wouldn’t “get all the credit.” In actuality, Han’s personality softens and he becomes sympathetic to the rebellion and his new friends.

After he returns, Leia says outright that there’s more to Han than the money. 

The Rebels discuss plans to destroy the Death Star

In Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, the schematics to the Death Star are transferred to the Rebels by Leia and R2-D2. A plan to attack is then formed. Originally, Leia asks Obi-Wan for help in transporting the plans. It is explained that a small, thermal exhaust port can be reached by a single X-Wing fighter. 

Why Did Leia Ask Obi Wan For Help?

The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction that will destroy the entire structure. 

Han says he only cares about the money

Luke, while wearing his X-wing jumpsuit, approaches Han. The bounty hunter is packing up his ship, as he previously receives his award and is leaving the rebellion behind. Han has made it very clear that up to this point, he’s only been helping Leia and Luke for the wealthy Alderaan reward.

Han says he has some old debts he needs to pay off with his reward. It is established earlier that Han has large debts to Jabba. Even if Han didn’t have the debts, he says, he’d be a fool to stick around for the upcoming battle.

Why Didn’t Han Solo Pay Jabba?

He unsuccessfully attempts to convince Luke to join him, complimenting the boy on his piloting skills. Luke tells Han to look around at the Rebel soldiers preparing for the fight. “They could use a good pilot like you,” Luke says. “You’re turning your back on them.”

Han states that a reward is no good if you aren’t around to use it. He says that attacking the Death Star battle station is not his idea of courage, being more of a suicide attempt. 

Saddened by his friend’s preference for greed, Luke tells Han to take care of himself. As he walks away, Luke says that taking care of oneself is what Han is best at. Reluctantly, Han tells Luke “May the force be with you.”

Luke then meets Princess Leia before boarding his ship. Still disappointed, he admits that he thought Han would change his mind. Leia says that Han has to follow his own path, and no one can choose it for him.

Han decides to come back in A New Hope

While attacking the exhaust port of the Death Star, Luke chooses to switch off his targeting computer. The voice of Obi-Wan instructs Luke to trust himself and use The Force. 

Right as Darth Vader is about to shoot Luke’s X-Wing, Han Solo arrives to help out. The bounty hunter shoots down the Tie Fighter entourage and sends Darth Vader spinning into space. Han tells Luke that they’re all clear, and it’s time to blow this thing and go home.

Once Luke returns to the Rebel hanger, he leaves his X-Wing and excitedly greets Leia. Han Solo runs up to Luke and gives him a big hug. The bounty hunter says he couldn’t let Luke get all the credit and take all the reward.

Leia says outright, “I knew there was more to you than money.”

So that’s the answer. Han Solo decides to come back in A New Hope so Luke wouldn’t get all the credit, but in actuality he’s become sympathetic to the Rebels and his new friends.