Should You Wipe Out The Great Khans in New Vegas?

Throughout the main New Vegas plot, players will be asked to wipe out he Great Khans. A group of violent, drug-dealing organized raiders, some players dislike the Khans already. So, should you wipe out the Great Khans in New Vegas?

In most cases, you should wipe out the Great Khans in New Vegas. Most major factions will pressure you into doing so, and the Khans won’t send any hit squads out to you. The Khans are also confined to their camp, so you won’t be running into a lot of them.

Even so, there’s a lot you’ll miss out on. Read further to find out the pros and cons.

Benefits if you wipe out the Great Khans in New Vegas

Improved reputation with other factions:

The Great Khans have a notorious reputation throughout the Mojave Wasteland for their violent behavior and drug trafficking. If you wipe out the Khans, you’ll have increased reputation with other factions. The NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel, for example, view the Khans as serious issues to local stability.

Access to the Khan Armory:

The Great Khans have a vast armory that contains unique weapons and ammunition. Once the camp is clear, you can loot their weapon stash and gain access to an armory.

Eliminate a threat to New Vegas:

The Great Khans are a dangerous faction that poses a significant threat to the safety and stability of New Vegas. By wiping them out, you’ll be protecting the innocent citizens and making the region a safer place.

Drawbacks if you wipe out the Great Khans in New Vegas

Missed quests and storylines if you wipe out the Great Khans in New Vegas:

The Great Khans have several quests and storylines that can only be accessed by befriending them. By wiping them out, you’ll be missing out on unique content and experiences that can add to your playthrough’s depth and complexity.

Negative karma:

Killing the Great Khans will negatively impact your karma, which can affect how the game’s NPCs respond to you. If you’re playing a good-karma character, wiping out the Khans might not be the wisest choice.

Does Karma Matter in Fallout: New Vegas?

Reduced trade and barter options:

The Great Khans are involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities, but they also have legitimate trade and barter options. By wiping them out, you’ll be reducing the overall trade options available in the game.


In conclusion, whether you should wipe out the Great Khans in Fallout: New Vegas depends on your playstyle, moral compass, and desired outcome. If you’re playing as a morally good character, wiping them out might negatively impact your karma. If you’re interested in siding with the other factions, clearing out the camp, and eliminating a lore-threat to New Vegas, wiping out the Khans could be your angle.