Can Deathclaws Be Tamed in Fallout?

Across the Fallout games, Deathclaws have always proved a consistent problem. Many players have wondered whether it’s possible to tame a Deathclaw and make it a loyal companion. In this article, we will explore the question, “Can Deathclaws be tamed in Fallout?”

Deathclaws can not be tamed in Fallout. In all Fallout games to date, there is no way to tame a Deathclaw using the standard taming mechanics in the game. However, there are some ways that players have attempted to make Deathclaws more friendly towards them.

Certain perks and quest items can pacify Deathclaws in order to at least make them friendly.

Possible ways to “tame” Deathclaws in Fallout

First, what exactly does taming mean? In the game, taming a creature typically involves using a specific perk or item to convince it to be friendly with you. Once “tamed”, the creature might follow you around and sometimes fight alongside you.

A potential option for taming Deathclaws is the Animal Friend perk, which is available in both Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. This perk allows players to pacify certain animals, including Deathclaws. However, this does not make the Deathclaw a companion, and they will not follow you around or fight alongside you.

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During the Fallout 3 quest “Shock Value,” players are able to a “Deathclaw Control Scrambler” to harness control over Enclave-controlled Deathclaws. This is limited, though, and only lets the player pacify Deathclaws that are within range of an Enclave emitter.

Another option is to use mods. Surely, mods exist on places such as Nexus Mods that allow for animal-based taming, including Deathclaws.

Deathclaws are incredibly strong and can easily kill an unprepared player. Additionally, Deathclaws are not known for their friendly demeanor, and even if you manage to tame one, it may still attack other NPCs and players.

In conclusion, while it is not possible to officially tame Deathclaws in Fallout, there are ways that players have attempted to make them more friendly towards them. However, players should be cautious when attempting to tame a Deathclaw, as they are still incredibly dangerous creatures.

So that’s the answer. Deathclaws can not be tamed in Fallout.