How to Get A House In Rivet City

One of the largest settlements in the Capital Wasteland, you may feel compelled to own a home in Rivet City. But do you know how to get a house in Rivet City?

To get a house in Rivet City, go to the Weatherly Hotel. You can rent a room for 120 caps, but thanks to a glitch, you keep the room forever.

The room has plenty of permanent storage and a bed that provides the Well Rested bonus.

How to get a house at Weatherly Hotel in Rivet City

Located on the Upper Deck of Rivet City, the Weatherly Hotel offers a room for the player to rent. For 120 caps, the player has access to a bed (which grants the Well Rested) bonus, and plenty of storage options.

The room consists of a filing cabinet, wardrobe, desk, and footlocker. All of these devices act as safe places for the player to store their gear. They will not despawn the gear, no matter how much time has passed.

Despite the room being “rented,” the player actually retains it for an indefinite period of time. The Lone Wanderer is only required to rent the room once, thanks to an unfixed bug in Vera Weatherly’s code script.

On occasion, the bug fixes itself, and the bed will no longer allow you to sleep. According to the Fallout Wiki, this issue can be resolved by renting a bed from both Mister Buckingham (the robot owner) and Vera Weatherly.

Another safety measure: the player is encouraged to leave the door open while leaving. If the door is open, it is still considered the player’s bed and they will not have to pay again.

It is paramount that you do not leave any items loosely in the room. There’s a small, but possible chance that Janice Kaplinski can enter the room and pocket items lying around.

Similarly, there’s another small chance that Harkness can wander into the room and pocket bottles of alcohol.

So that’s the answer. To get a house in Rivet City, go to the Weatherly Hotel. You can rent a room for 120 caps.